Orrell & District Quiz League



Welcome to the home of the Orrell and District Quiz League.


Teams and Fixtures - 2025

For the new 2025 season we are joined by a new team, Highfield CH, based at Highfield Community Hall - details can be seen here:

Millstone have moved venue and changed their name - they will be playing out of the Real Crafty pub and have changed their name accordingly.

Delphic Horses are now to be known as The Delph Taverners.

Fixture details can be found on your own team's page, or in the main fixtures calendar.  The first match of the season will take place on Tuesday 1st of April.

2025 League registration

A Registration meeting for the 2025 season has been called for SUNDAY 16th February to be held at 8:00 pm at The Delph Tavern.

We expect to welcome a new entrant for the forthcoming season and look forward to seeing all Delegates at this meeting

Attendance at this meeting to complete some fairly simple ‘form filling’ is preferred but if you cannot meet this date/time you can still declare your confirmed participation in writing (e mail) confirming your 2025 details as follows

Venue ; Name, address, phone number

Team Delegate : Name ; Phone number : email address

Clearly if everything is exactly as it was last year, simply confirm ‘No Change

League AGM 2024

Please be advised that the 2024 AGM is scheduled for Thursday evening 12th December at 8:00 pm at The Delph.

The standard Agenda items are 

Receive and accept minutes of previous meeting

Matters arising from minutes

Receive Chairman’s Report

Receive and accept as a true record Treasurer’s Report

Election of new teams

Nominations for office; The following posts are up for election this year at the expiry of their two year term

Chairman (Ian Barlow)
Treasurer. (Graham Wilcock)
Fixtures Secretary (Mike Unsworth)

For information, all current post holders intend to stand for re election, however others are free to nominate themselves or a colleague.

*IB holds the post of Secretary as well as Chairman but only took this additional role on last year as an interim measure following the resignation of the previous Secretary.
Ideally IB would stand aside from this role if another candidate came forward.

Motions and rule changes.

Following last year’s updating of the rules/articles there are no new changes being proposed by the Committee.

To the extent any delegate or team mate wishes to propose a motion or rule change then please do so in writing, to the Secretary, copying one other committee member at least 7 days before the meeting


(This section will contain summary comments from CQ with regard to the ratings that teams attributed to the Question Sets during the 2024 season) 


Ian Barlow (Chairman)

Pairs Competition and Presentation Evening

Thanks to those who turned up to last night’s event at Bryn LC, where Bill Gerrard & Kathie Knowles Smith played superbly to claim a victory in the Pairs Competition, winning the final with ‘two lives’ intact.

Strong performances also from the other pairs of finalists John Purslow & Arthur Heyes and Mike Simpson & Debbie Davidson

Pairs Winners 2024

League Champions; The Masons Arms 

Runners Up ; The Cricketers

Masons Arms - Champions

KO Cup winners ; The Star Inn

Runners up ; Bryn LC 

Star Inn - Cup Winners

Cup Runners Up - Bryn Labour

Handicap League Winners ; The Merrymen   

Pairs Competition and Presentation evening

Pairs Competition and Presentation Night at Bryn Labour Club


Please Arrive 7:30 to 7:45 to allow a prompt 8:00 start

At our forthcoming event at Bryn Labour Club, on Friday November 8th the Committee would greatly appreciate it if participating teams could bring along one or two raffle prizes, much as we all did last year.
Nothing elaborate, the odd bottle, box of chocolates or biscuits etc. 

Raffle tickets will be the only time we’ll be asking anyone to put their hand in their pocket. Entrance to the Pairs Competition will be free of charge.

Anyone who has played this past season is eligible to enter the pairs competition and this extends to regular ‘squad members’ who may not have played much (or at all) but have fulfilled roles such as question masters and scorers.

We really hope to see everyone there on the night.

Handicap Cup Competition 2024

Congratulations to the Star Inn on winning this years Knockout cup competition.  Starting with a handicap of 16, they beat The Cricketers 66-49 in the quarter final and The Millstone 67-61 in the semi-final.

Their opponents in the final were last year's winners, Bryn Labour Club, who played off a handicap of 23.  They beat the Delphic Horses 69-61 in the quarter final and Merrymen by 62-55 in the semi-final.

In the final, Bryn led for the first 7 rounds, with The Star Inn pipping them in the final round to win by 63 points to 61.

Congratulations to their squad of Peter Duffy, Arthur Heyes, Tony Spark, Lee Whitehead and Steve Pilkington on winning an excellent competition.

Huge thanks also go out to Bill Gerard who wrote all of the excellent quizzes used on the night.  The quizzes used can be found on the Quizzes page in the 2024 folder.

Handicaps for cup competition

Based on the final league table, here are the handicaps for the cup competition to be held at The Delph next Tuesday (27th August) starting at 8pm sharp.

Team Handicap
Masons Arms 0
Cricketers 5
Merrymen 4
Delphic Horses 8
Millstone 14
Star Inn 16
Bryn Labour Club 23


Mason's Arms - Orrell & District Quiz League champions 2024

Congratulations to the Mason's Arms who have won the league by beating Merrymen in their final league match.

KO Cup Tournament 2024

Further to the 2024 KO Draw listed by Chris it was agreed at the Delegates meeting on Aug 1st that a Plate competition was impractical this year given the amount of matches we need to compress into a single evening.

Knockout Cup Competition - 27th August 2024 at The Delph

At the delegate meeting held at the Delph on 1st August the draw for this season's Knockout competition was made. Assuming that all teams compete, the draw is as follows.

Due to time constraints the matches will start at 8pm sharp, and timings for answering will be set at 20s for your own question, 10s after a pass to a teammante, then 10s when passed over to the opposition.

Handicaps will be calculated based on the final league table.

A Millstone v Masons Winner of Heat A v Winner of Heat B Winner SF1 v Winner Sf2
B Cricketers v Star Inn
C Delphic Horses v Bryn Labour Club Winner of Heat C v Merrymen
D Merrymen - bye


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  • Entries (185)

