Orrell & District Quiz League


New ITV Family Quiz Show

Would any of you be interested in playing in a couple of trial runs of a new ITV Quiz Show?

The quiz is being written and developed by some of the same team behind University Challenge, and their aim is that it's a robust academic challenge - but not as recondite as UC can be! It's pitched at families of Sporcle addicts and board game lovers.

They are looking for clever, confident teams of three family members - a parent, child and grandparent. Ideally, the child on the team will be aged 10/11/12.

They are beta-testing a couple of versions of the format in their MediaCity offices on Friday 4th August and Thursday 1st September, and are really keen to have real families come in and play.

It's not for broadcast, so should hopefully be a fun, low-pressure day out!  If you fancy it, give them a call on 0161 952 0609 or send them an email to clare.parody@itv.com


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