Posts From October, 2018

Sad News - Alan Pugh

We sadly have to report the death of Alan Pugh of Bryn PLC.  Alan died on Monday 22nd October and his funeral will take place at Wigan Crematorium at 3pm on Thursday 1st November.

The Great British Pub Quiz with Al Murray

Do you and your mated fancy winning some cash?  How about applying for the Great British Pub Quiz?

Great Britis Pub Quiz

Pairs Competiion & Presentation Evening

Another reminder that this annual end of season event will take places as last year at Orrell Red Triangle Cricket Club,Winstanley Road, Orrell, WN5 7XF, on Friday 9th November starting at 8.30pm sharp. For those unfamiliar with the venue, here are some directions for those without satnav. The Cricket Club can be found by turning up the track at the side of the YMCA at the bottom of Winstanley Road opposite Hewitt Business Park. Some might be relieved to know I will not be setting the questions this year - I am handing over the responsibility to the very capable hands of Paul McAteer.

Anyone who participated in the games this season, is eligible to enter. Please come along to what should be an enjoyable evening


  • Entries (183)