
Welcome to the Home of the Orrell and District Quiz League


New handicaps

The handicaps have been revised based on points difference in this week's table and will be applicable for the rest of the season. The new handicaps can be viewed on the results page.

Sad news

Frances Hanley

Many of you will remember Frances Hanley, who played for St James' quiz team for many years. She passed away at the end of May aged 89. She was a fine quizzer and lovely person as well as being a much loved and respected teacher at St. James' for many years. Her funeral will take place at St. James' church at 10am on Tuesday 25th June.

Delegates Meeting

Delegates are reminded that there is a meeting this Thursday 30th May 8:00 pm at The Delph Tavern 

Scoring the Quiz

Quiz Ratings

At the AGM in response to a general complaint about the standard of some quizzes. The Committee resolved to try and conduct some form of analysis re the scores that   teams give to the Quiz on the answer sheet. Chris will then log the scores and we will collectively try to assess whether any patterns emerge regarding specific Quizzes.

Assessing/judging quizzes is always difficult (as is setting them!) and subjective but we will nonetheless take a look at it.
However in the first round of matches last week only one scoresheet contained any score ranking of the Quiz. To the extent teams think that this requires some level of scrutiny then we can’t begin this unless these scores are consistently applied, so can we ask teams to rate the quizzes consistently and we will then look to assess and respond later in the year.

Change of venue

The Merrymen will now play their home games at The Delph Tavern NOT The Running Horses

2024 Season - Handicaps

The handicaps for the upcoming season have been calculate based on the pointsd difference fro teams at the end of last season, and can be seen below:

Cricketers 148 8.2 0
Delphic Horses            81 4.5 4
Masons 80 4.4 4
Star Inn 30 1.7 7
Millstone -70 -3.9 12
Merrymen -77 -4.3 13
Bryn Labour -192 -10.7 19

2024 Season - Fixtures Released

All of the teams registered last year have decided to compete in the new season.  Fixtures are available both on the Fixtures Calendar and on each team's homepage.  Handicaps for the seaon will be released soon.

2024 Registration Meeting - Thursday 7th March 2024

Delph Tavern - 8pm

All delegates and Committee Members are required to attend if possible. Should anyone not be able to make that date, then please confirm in writing ahead of the meeting your intention to enter a team for 2024.

Further to submitting an entry it would be helpful if all teams competing in 2024 were also to make an initial, nominal payment of £50 at some point between the Registration Meeting and the first round of games. (This will preclude the need for an early April ‘paying in meeting’)

 The provisional date for the first round of League matches will be Tuesday 2nd April immediately after the Easter Weekend ….this will be confirmed or amended, if necessary in due course.

(We cannot be certain of all dates and full season costings etc until we know for sure how many teams will be competing.)

2023 Annual General Meeting

Delegates and players are reminded that the League AGM will take place at The Delph Tavern at 8:00 pm on Sunday 10th December. To the extent any team would like to make any new proposal or counter proposal to the redrafted Constitution and rules as distributed last week, please do so by Sunday 3rd Dec

Similarly any nominations for office should be submitted via e-mail by the same date.

Presentation/Pairs Evening

26 players (13 pairs) representing 7 teams took part in last night’s Pairs Competition at Bryn Labour Club. After the 40 questions 6 pairs emerged as the top scorers namely Dag Griffiths (Masons) & Graham Barker (Cricketers), Paul McAteer (Delphic Horses) & Chris Quinn (Cricketers), Sue Perks (Delphic Horses) & Bill Gerrard (Star), Debbie Davidson (Bryn Labour) & Andy Firth (Cricketers), Peter Duffy (Star) & David Fitzgerald (Millstone),Tony Spark (Star) & Mike Preston (Merrymen). The competition then entered a 15 to 1 style knockout phase and only after 70 questions were the six pairs reduced to three namely Dag & Graham, Sue & Bill and Paul & Chris. The standard of quizzing was very impressive. In the final again it took well over 50 questions before Dag & Graham emerged the winners so congratulations to them.

A raffle of donated prizes raised £73 and hence more than covered the cost of the room. I would like to thank everyone who attended especially those who gave prizes and hope you all had an enjoyable evening’s quizzing.

Star Inn - Plate Runners-up

Delphic Horses - Knockout Cup Runners-up

Bryn Labour Club - Knockout Cup Winners

Delphic Horses - Handicap League Runners-up

Cricketers - Handicap League Winners

Delphic Horses - League Runners-up

Cricketers - League Winners

Millstone - Knockout Plate Winners



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