
BBC Radio Manchester Mastermind

BBC Radio Manchester have a daily quiz - Manchester Mastermind.

Contestants have 1 minute to answer as many questions on their ‘specialist subject’ as possible. The player with the highest score by the end of the week wins a coveted BBC Radio Manchester purple umbrella.

It’s great fun and we’re looking to reach out to all boroughs in Greater Manchester. We play every weekday mornings at 0845.

To enter, contestants can email their name, number and specialist subject to

Charlie Holt

BBC Radio Manchester

07753 436067

Cup Draw

The draw for the cup competition at the Delph on 29th August (8pm start) was made by members of Bryn Labour Club at the Delph tonight.

It is as follows

Preliminary Round

Star Inn v Merrymen

Semi Finals

Star Inn / Merrymen v Bryn Labour

Delphic Horses v Millstone

The matches will be played using the handicaps applicable at the time of the event.

Delegate Meeting

Just a reminder that the second installment of team subscriptions is due at the delegate meeting to be held at the Delph Tavern at 8pm on Sunday 4th June.  The payment will be £45 per team.

Handicaps for second half of the season

The handicaps for the second half of the season have been calculated based on the first half. They will be applied to work out a handicap league commencing Tuesday.

They are as follows.

Team Handicap
Masons Arms 0
Delphic Horses 3
Star Inn 4
Cricketers 4
Merrymen 10
Millstone 11
Bryn  Labour  Club 13


Unfortunately the Britannia are unable to field a team this season, so your fixture against them will be a free week. We may be able to find a team to replace them and of course if we do you will be immediately informed.

Fixtures Posted for 2023 Season

The fixtures for the new season are now available on the Fixtures page, with each team's fixtures also being displayed on their team page.


The AGM of the Orrell and District Quiz League will take place at The Delph Tavern on Sunday 4th December at 8pm. Any delegate wishing to include a motion at the meeting must send it to me before 26th November

League Champions

As a result of beating The Cricketers and Doctor's Orders losing to Running Horses, The Delph Tavern have become league champions in their first season in the league.  Congratulations to you all!

Last Night's Quiz

As you may know last night’s questions failed to arrive at three venues. They were posted the week before, so yet again the postal service has let us down. Crucially the Running Horses, which receives the spare quiz, was one of those three so as a result two of the matches were postponed and will be played on September the 6th using last night’s quiz. Can I therefore ask you and your teams NOT to divulge any of the details of the quiz to anyone - the quiz will obviously not be posted on the website.
The postponed matches are :- Running Horses v Bryn Labour Club and Millstone v Merrymen

IT & Admin Officer

In recognition of all the work he does collating the results and league tables, The Committee have invited Chris Quinn to join us and he has accepted. His role is that of IT & Admin Officer 

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  • Entries (180)