Coronavirus and the Upcoming Season

In view of the ever increasing numbers of people affected by Coronavirus and Covid 19 in the UK the Committee has been exchanging e-mails on the subject.

We have prepared the following statement.

  • While not recommending no handshaking, the Management Committee respect the right of individuals to choose not to shake hands during the outbreak and ask everyone else to do the same.
  • To reduce the pressure on teams to play we will suspend General Rule 6 governing the number of postponements until such time as the epidemic is seen to have passed.
  • There is no rush to rearrange fixtures and if necessary the cup competitions will be postponed/abandoned, and the time allocated for them used for rearranged fixtures with the league purchasing spare quizzes if necessary. 

We realise that this is a slightly pessimistic view but we thought that it was best to act sooner rather than later. 

Some games in the Merseyside Quiz League have ended without handshakes, following prior agreement between the teams, and this has not caused any animosity.

Best wishes 



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