Cup Competition

The Orrell QL cup competition will take place on Tuesday 29th August, at the Delph Tavern  starting at 8pm sharp. The matches will be played under timing conditions in order to get the matches played in sufficient time. The matches will be handicapped, the handicaps calculated by Graham Wilcock (Treasurer) and based on the final league standings, are as follows :-

Delphic Horses   0

Star Inn.            4

Millstone            8

Merrymen          10

Bryn Labour       18


The order of play is:-

Preliminary Round:-  A.  Star Inn v Merrymen

Semi finals:-   B.    Bryn Labour v Winner A

                        C      Millstone v Delphic Horses

If time permits we will run a Plate final as well. 

Plate final :-        Loser A v Highest scoring loser from B or C

Final :-                  Winner B v Winner C



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