Quizzing Grand Prix - Hoylake

On 6th May 2017, the Quizzing Grand Prix circuit event will be held at The Hoylake Social Club.

If you have not taken part in one of these events before, they consist on a 90 minute written quiz, split into six different genera, such as Sport, entertainment etc.  Overall results are calculated on your best 5 scores out of the six, and there are also awards for the top scorers in each of the genera.

Your results contribute to a set of national quiz rankings, enabling you o compaer your performance against hundreds of quizzers around the country and indeed the world.

After the written quiz, there will be a team quiz, and the Hot 100, an international quiz taken by players around the world.

The event opens at 11.00am, for an 11.30amd start, and costs £12.50 per player (first timers and registered students get a 50% discount for their first event).

To allow for printing etc, you should register on the Quizzing Website (www.quizzing,co.uk) or via the Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1637010162987174/?ti=cl


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