

The AGM of the Orrell and District Quiz League will take place at The Delph Tavern on Sunday 4th December at 8pm. Any delegate wishing to include a motion at the meeting must send it to me before 26th November

League Champions

As a result of beating The Cricketers and Doctor's Orders losing to Running Horses, The Delph Tavern have become league champions in their first season in the league.  Congratulations to you all!

Last Night's Quiz

As you may know last night’s questions failed to arrive at three venues. They were posted the week before, so yet again the postal service has let us down. Crucially the Running Horses, which receives the spare quiz, was one of those three so as a result two of the matches were postponed and will be played on September the 6th using last night’s quiz. Can I therefore ask you and your teams NOT to divulge any of the details of the quiz to anyone - the quiz will obviously not be posted on the website.
The postponed matches are :- Running Horses v Bryn Labour Club and Millstone v Merrymen

IT & Admin Officer

In recognition of all the work he does collating the results and league tables, The Committee have invited Chris Quinn to join us and he has accepted. His role is that of IT & Admin Officer 

2022 Handicap Competition

As you may have noticed, handicaps have been assigned to teams based on the first half of the season, and handicapped scores and a table will be calculated for matches in the scond half of the season.  The hanicaps for the teams are as follows:

Team Handicap
Britannia 23
Bryn Labour Club 15
Cricketers 0
Delph Tavern 1
Doctor’s Orders 0
Gerard Arms 7
Masons Arms 11
Merrymen 12
Millstone 12
Running Horses 1

Chairman resignation

Paul McAteer has resigned as Chairman of the Orrell and District Quiz league. His resignation was accepted at tonight's Committee Meeting. John Winnard (Vice Chairman) is now acting Chairman. I would like express my and the Committee's gratitude for Paul's contribution to the Orrell Quiz League over the last six years. His impartiality, enthusiasm  and perspicacity will be missed.

Sad News

It is with sadness that we have to announce the death of Bapi (Sri Amitayu) Bhabani, a long term member of the Running Horse Colts team, who passed away on May 26th.

Masons Arms - Match Times

The landlord of The Masons has felt it necessary to adjust its opening hours in accordance to the changing drinking habits of their customers. As a consequence the closing time on Mondays and Tuesdays has been altered such that 9:30 pm is the current and foreseeable closing time.

It is possible to complete quizzes between 45 minutes to 1 hour with a following wind, so could teams arrive at the Masons at the very latest by 8:30 pm (earlier if possible) so that the match has a decent chance of being completed.

New Fixtures Released, team changes

The 2022 fixtures have been loaded to the fixtures calendar.  The first match is on 26th April.

There are several team changes:

Robin Hood are now called Running Horses and will play at the Running Horses.

Talbot/Turks Head Colts are now called "Doctor's Orders" and will play from The Cricketers Arms in St Helens

Merrymen will also now play at The Running Horses.

UVC Blues have also moved to the Cricketers Arms in St Helens and will be called "The Cricketers"

The original Delph Tavern team has folded, but are replaced by a new team (with some old faces) playing under the same name.

New Season Registration Meeting and AGM

With Covid hopefully in retreat and the ending of restrictions, we are hoping to restart the Orrell Quiz league. There will be a meeting combining the annual AGM and registration meeting on Sunday 6th March at the Delph Tavern in Tontine, Orrell with an 8pm start. If you wish your team to participate, could you please check you have enough players to fulfil the fixtures and a venue that is willing to host and then attend the meeting on behalf of your team.  The season will run from early April until August depending on how many teams we have. 

I look forward to seeing you all - if you are a player short we may be able to help. 


Mike Unsworth ( Fixtures Secretary)

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